Why Your Business Needs to Be On The Internet and Have an Online Presence
If you haven't got an online presence or website for your business yet or perhaps already have one but don't think it's really helping then you might like to read on and find out why you should have a presence on the web and how you can make it pay for itself. There...

Getting Started With a Website and Online Presence For Your Business
During the next few posts I'm going to be taking a look at how you can get started with your own website or Online presence whether it's to help build your business or even just for a hobby. This should help just about anyone looking to get started online or who has...
Matt Cutts update on SEO for Google and Penguin 2.0 (v2)
If you've had websites that have been affected by the past or ongoing Panda and Penguin updates then you really should check out this May webmasters update from Matt Cutts about SEO for Google and the Penguin 2.0 (v2) update. Although he does mention that things can...
How to Make $1,000+ From Just One Article
I'm sure you heard that article marketing was once a really good way to get additional traffic to your websites as well as building backlinks at the same time? Well the good news is that despite all the recent rubbish about how "article marketing is dead" it can still...
Keyword Blaze Pro – Is This The Best Keyword and Niche Research Tool Currently Available?
If you like to do your keyword and niche research using software or tools then you really should take a look at Keyword Blaze Pro. It's only just been released but the uptake so far has been huge! I mentioned recently that I would be doing the occasional review of...
What Do You Really Think About WSO’s (Warrior Special Offers)?
I've noticed recently that there appears to be a bit of a shift in the wso game. If you don't already know about warrior special offers then you might like to take a look here but don't get your wallet out just yet! WSO's can be a great way to get your hands on some...
Hostgator 1 Cent Coupon Code
Here's a little treat for anyone interested in getting their first month's web hosting for just 1 cent! You probably already know that Hostgator is one of the largest web hosting companies and they're what I use for many of my own websites including this one. I have...
“Ready to Go” Websites Now Available
So what the heck are "ready to go" websites all about? Well I'm sure you'll probably have come across the "business in a box" or turnkey websites as they're sometimes called. They make it sound so easy but do you really think you're going to make any money with those...
Website Ranking Factors and Current SEO Trends
Unless you've been in the middle of nowhere for the last few months you'll know that there's been a relatively unusual amount of discussion going on about search engine algorithm changes. I say discussion but it's been more like complete and utter panic in some...
Membership Changes and Website Upgrade
As you'll probably have noticed I've been making some changes to the membership recently and also in the process of upgrading the website, things seem to have gone pretty smoothly and there have been no issues. So far I've changed the theme design and made some tweaks...